Online casino entertainment this month becomes frighteningly fun because ZAR Casino is sending its players tricking for treats! Besides the scrumptious selection of games at this site, you can also put yourself in line to grab specials that involve coffee, donuts, and movies. We promised you that things would get fun in October!
Everyone loves their treats, especially over the spooky season, and especially if you can choose your favorites. ZAR Casino is giving you a fantastic choice of prizes, and all you need to do is make a deposit into your account!
This is how to go about tricking for treats at ZAR Casino in October:
Terms and Conditions of Coffee and Donuts Voucher Offer
By entering this promotion, you also earn tickets into the draw to win weekly cash prizes! In addition, your tickets also count towards the chance to win a Mustang GT in the draw scheduled for October 22nd.
If you go to the movies this month, simply call Customer Support at ZAR Casino and show them your movie ticket. The online casino will gift you back the value of one movie ticket in casino bonus money!
There are some great Halloween-themed movies currently running in the movie houses across South Africa, while some are yet to be released.
Today, Halloween Ends will be available on the big screens, while Prey for the Devil will be released on October 28th.
Next month you can also look forward to new scary-themed movies. The Menu can be seen from November 18th, while Bones and All will debut on November 23rd.
Check out the Tricking for Treats offer currently running at ZAR Casino and make this a magnificent month!